Our Future Workforce: What Gen Z’s Dream Careers Look Like

Each generation brings a shift in career choices, life goals, and new perspectives.

Gen Z (Zoomers), born between 1997 and 2012, has experienced several life events. From the 2008 recession to the pandemic, these issues have massively influenced why they’re looking at career growth in a different light.

Let’s examine Gen Z’s career goals and the challenges they face in today’s workforce.

Which Fields Do Zoomers Enjoy The Most?

According to the NSHSS 2024 Career and Interests Survey, Gen Z has been drifting towards more high-demand fields such as healthcare, engineering, and other STEM-related fields.
While tech is still important, tech degrees and careers are less popular now than they once were.

You can even see it in many of their college majors, with the most popular ones being:

  • Engineering (18%)
  • Health (16%)
  • Sciences (15%)
  • Medicine/Health Services (14%)
  • Business (14%)

One thing’s for sure: Zoomers are more focused on actually using their degree and are less likely to pursue their passion. A whopping 63% say they’re concerned about landing a job, and over half say having a stable career is a top priority.

With how competitive the job market is nowadays, it’s no surprise most Zoomers are going for more practical career paths than before.

What’s Driving Gen Z To These Careers?

Unlike previous generations that would go to college for a degree they were passionate about, money and stability are much more critical for Zoomers.

They’re looking for high-demand careers that will bring them growth, stability, and a decent paycheck.

But this doesn’t mean Zoomers are only in it for the money. Many care about healthcare, human rights, and technology and want to pursue a career that reflects their interests.

Work-life balance is also a significant concern for the new cohort. Gone are the days when your job came before anything else. Most want to work somewhere that allows them to focus on their personal lives without sacrificing professional success.

How Education’s Playing A Role In Career Choices

Education has dramatically shaped each generation’s career choices.

However, Gen Z is more cautious when paying for school. Almost half want to graduate with little or no debt, and those who do want to invest in a degree that directly aligns with their future career path.

Internships, apprenticeships, and other forms of hands-on experience are also becoming more important to Gen Zers.

Hands-on skills help them stand out, especially with more college graduates than ever. Getting a degree by itself simply won’t cut it anymore. The more opportunities Zoomers have to use their knowledge, the easier it is for them to join the workforce after graduating.

Career Challenges Zoomers Are Facing

Even with all their enthusiasm, Gen Z still faces quite a few challenges as they enter the job market:

  • Financial Barriers and High Student Debt: Since 2000, tuition fees and student loans have shot up by 65%. Even with money-saving techniques, many Gen Zers will graduate with debt and need to find a well-paying job to cover their fees.
  • A More Competitive Job Market: The job market is a lot more competitive right now, particularly in tech. Gen Z will need to be proactive and find experiences that will help them stand out from other graduates with similar skills.
  • Mental Health Issues: Pressure to “make it,” toxic workplaces, and a so-so job market can lead many Zoomers to experience mental health issues. Giving the support and resources they need is key to helping them manage stress and be more productive.

The Bottom Line

Gen Z is a generation that has a lot to offer. They’re used to technology, entrepreneurial, and incredibly talented.

But like any previous generation, Zoomers face their own challenges to becoming successful in the workforce.

By addressing their unique needs and interests, we can ensure they’ll have fulfilling lives in and out of the workplace!

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