Get a Personal Loan Fast Even if You Have Bad Credit

Your credit score is extremely important but sometimes unfortunate circumstances happen to good people. Unpredictable expenses like medical emergencies or car accidents can dig people into a deep financial hole.
Taking out a personal loan to cover unforeseen expenses like these could help you out right now and down the road. With the right loan–one offering affordable payments and competitive interest rates–you can get on your feet and avoid long-term debt.
Even if you have a poor credit score you could still get a personal loan for your short-term financial needs.
OppLoans can help you take out personal loans at an Annual Percentage Rate that is potentially lower than other lenders (aka interest to pay back) even if your credit score is considered poor, while offering transparency and guidance along the way. If you’re approved, the money will be available for you the next business day. Fast funding, lower interest than many storefront payday lenders, and personal guidance are what drive OppLoans.
Here’s who can qualify for OppLoans:
- Residents of AL, AR, AZ, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, KY, KS, LA, ME, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, ND, NE, NV, NM, OH, OK, OR, RI, SD, TN, TX, UT, SC, WA, WI, WY, VA
- Have a minimum monthly income of $1,500 for the states listed above except AL is $3,500, and GA & ID is $3,000
- Employed at your current job for at least 3 months
- 18+ years old (19 if from AL or NE) and cannot be an active duty service member
- A traditional bank account in your name that’s been open for at least 90 days
- You get your paychecks via direct deposit
Qualified borrowers may be able to borrow up to $4,000 depending on their state and eligibility. And when monthly payments are made back on the loan, OppLoans will notify the 3 credit bureaus to build up your payment history and in turn, build your credit history!
For other ways to build up your credit score, here are some money moves you can make today!
*Disclosure: “The product amounts, term and annual percentage rate (APR) of the loan that a customer qualifies for may vary based on credit determination and state law. Installment loan amounts typically range from $1,000 to $4,000. APR ranges from 59% to 199%”