There’s a Job for That? 6 Unusual Career Paths You Didn’t Know Existed

A paycheck is sometimes not enough to justify working somewhere. Whether it’s the stiff corporate structure or general dissatisfaction, roughly 50% of Americans say they don’t wish their jobs upon anyone.

If you’re unhappy with the 9-to-5 grind, why not look for a more nontraditional job path to change things up? Let’s dive into our quick list of unconventional career paths to help you find a job you love!

6 Nontraditional Jobs You Can Work From Anywhere

From testing comfy beds to making someone’s dream wedding come true, the world’s filled with unique opportunities that will pay a pretty decent paycheck. Here are six unusual jobs you had no idea existed:

1. Bed Tester
Average Starting Salary: $60,291

Are you a heavy sleeper who would love to get paid for doing what you love? Sleep testing is the perfect job for you.

Many bedding manufacturing businesses will pay you to improve their products. As a bed tester, you’ll be responsible for testing mattresses, pillows, and sheets. By testing their products, you’ll share valuable feedback and help companies improve their sleeping experience.

2. Odor Judge
Average Salary: $66,502

If you have a sharp sense of smell and an iron stomach, becoming an odor judge could be the dream career you’ve been looking for all along.

Odor judges test the effectiveness of your favorite perfume, deodorant, or frozen food by sniffing out any foul smells that linger during testing. Sharing your product feedback is crucial to making a company’s product stand out.

3. Professional Bridesmaid
Average Salary: $44,068

Most traditional weddings usually have the bride and her loved ones scrambling to get every last detail right before the big day.

But not every story is the same. Some brides may not have anyone to help them, while others simply want to enjoy their day and leave the hard work to someone else who loves weddings.

As a professional bridesmaid, you’ll take some of that stress off everyone’s shoulders and help them with everything they need. Whether picking out wedding dresses, sending out RSVPs, or simply giving emotional support, you can help someone’s dream wedding come true every day.

4. Flavorist
Average Salary: $115,511

Have you ever wondered why your bowl of instant noodles always tastes on point? It all boils down to creating the perfect flavor balance that people will never forget.

Also known as food chemists, flavorists are scientists who work with food and beverage companies to analyze a product’s flavor and improve its quality over time.

And it’s not only food and drinks that need food chemists to work their magic. Toothpaste, lip balm, and even pet food companies have a team of flavorists to help them create the perfect essence for their merchandise.

5. Water Slide Tester
Average Salary: $47,820

Adrenaline junkies, this one’s for you! Water slide testers will go to amusement parks, hotels, or anywhere else with a water slide for public use. You’ll get to test each ride many times to check its safety, how much water was wasted, and if the experience was enjoyable.

While the job’s physically demanding at times, exploring water parks in far-flung destinations seems like a dream.

6. Ethical Hacker
Average Salary: $106,527

With cyberattacks expected to double by 2025, companies and small businesses need tech-savvy people to protect their information.

As an ethical hacker, you need to “hack” their security system, find any vulnerabilities, and use your computer skills to improve it. It can be the perfect opportunity if you’re passionate about computers and want to help others stay safe.

The Bottom Line

If a traditional job isn’t for you, no worries. There are many quirky career paths where you can enjoy your work, explore your passions, and make some decent money. It’s up to you to step outside your comfort zone and find something that aligns with your lifestyle!

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