What You Should Know Before Going to AppCash12.com

If you’re reading this, you have probably seen the TV ad telling you to go to AppCash12.com to get $750 to your Cash App or Paypal account. It went something like this:
“How does $750 cash transferred to your Cash App or Paypal account sound? If you’re ready to get up to $750 cash, just head to AppCash12.com and follow the instructions on the site. Once you finish, the cash is yours!”
Ok, you might be thinking, is this a scam? It’s on the TV, though, so what gives?
Here’s everything you need to know about AppCash12.com
It’s Not Easy, But You CAN Get $750
So how do you get the money? Answer: You just have to follow the instructions carefully!
AppCash12.com is the site domain, but the parent brand is UpLevel Rewards, and the URL will get redirected. (AppCash12.com is just easier to remember for ad purposes)
It works by showing you “deals” they think you would like. This includes mobile apps and games, subscriptions, financial services, etc. Each type of deal you choose has its mini task to complete.
It goes like this:
- Head over to UpLevel Rewards and fill out basic info (Email, Name, etc.)
- Take a quick Survey (it helps them figure out what offers & deals to recommend to you)
- See if any Offers interest you (optional)
- Important: Get to Level 5 and follow the instructions on completing the specific number of deals for each level
- Claim the reward and get it in about a week!
You won’t get your $750 Cash App if you don’t complete the required amount of deals.
Depending on what deals you choose, you could complete it all in a day, which users like to do but know that most offers aren’t instant.
It’s Not a Giveaway Program, But It Is Legit
UpLevel Rewards is a site where visitors have to complete tasks to earn rewards. Visitors either qualify for the reward, or they don’t. There is no giveaway aspect at all.
But IT IS a legitimate program that has paid out $11 million+ since 2016 to visitors that complete the requirements.
The key action? Completing requirements.
Visitors get shown offers and tasks under different Levels, including mobile apps and games, subscriptions, financial services, etc. Complete the required tasks, and you can claim the reward.
Completing tasks is NOT instant. UpLevel Rewards gives up to 60 days to complete once you’ve done your first task. You’ll also see your progress when tasks get verified as completed, and some can take up to 14 days to credit.
Different Rewards Mean Different Levels of Tasks
Depending on what reward you’re aiming for, the amount of deals to complete is different.

There’s also a limit to how many times visitors can participate, as indicated in the Annual Limit column. If you (or anyone in your household) participated and received a $100 reward, you wouldn’t be able to do it again 60 days from your claim date. (1 year from claim date if $250, $500, $750 or $1,000)
Reward Amount | Annual Limit |
$100 and under | Claim 1x every 60 days |
$250, $500, 750 or $1,000 | Claim 1x a year |
You, Will, Spend Money to Earn More Money
Since UpLevel Rewards is not a giveaway program, you will spend some money. The amount varies depending on the offers you choose. This doesn’t make UpLevel Rewards a scam.
Obviously, people want to spend the least amount, so there are free mobile games where you have to level up to certain levels to complete the task. Some people are impatient and pay for in-game perks to speed up their progress, but that’s completely voluntary.
There are also free trial sign-ups too, but if you immediately cancel, it won’t count. So if you’re adamant about canceling, set up reminders to do it near the end of the trial.
And then some offers range from $1 to $50 or more, including charity options. It’s up to you which to pick!
This is why it’s essential to fill out the beginning survey honestly, as the offers will be customized as best as UpLevel Rewards can.
Here’s what UpLevel Rewards has seen as out-of-pocket costs. Again, it depends on the offers you ultimately end up choosing.
Reward Amount | Out-of-Pocket Costs |
$250 and under | $15 and up |
Over $500 | $50 and up |
If spending ANY money at all is unappealing to you, then DON’T participate in AppCash12.com.
If you want the TLDR; version
- AppCash12.com (or UpLevel Rewards) is legitimate (not a scam)
- AppCash12 / UpLevel Rewards does not give away money; visitors have to complete tasks to earn the reward
- Depending on the reward amount, the # of tasks differ
- You will spend some money to earn more money back
- Keep proof of your completed tasks (screenshots/emails)
- You will need to verify your identity once you claim a reward (they have to make sure they’re sending money to someone real)
- The process can be tedious, but you will 100% get your reward if you follow the instructions and have the patience to