Your Zodiac and Wallet: A Fun Look at Financial Habits by the Stars

According to astrologers, your zodiac sign plays a major part in how you handle your money. The correlations between your habits (how you spend your money daily), and your zodiac sign could possibly help to explain why you do the things you do, and your finances are also calculated into that.

Whether you follow the stars or not, knowing if your money habits align with your zodiac sign would be interesting and fun. If it does, that would explain a lot. So, here goes:

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Findings: Aries go to the extreme. You work hard, play hard, and tend to go all out, so you aren’t afraid to spend. You don’t mind taking on a lot of debt, but they also know how to handle it responsibly. Aries are good at paying their bills on time, and because of this, they tend to maintain a high credit score and have good credit utilization.

Tip: Continue doing what you’re doing, but shop for the best interest rates.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Findings: Taurus are savvy individuals who know how to negotiate for what they want and spend responsibly. You value a hard-earned dollar and know what you’re worth. You have some of the lowest credit card debt, yet paying on time is more of an issue.

Tip: Consider paying your bills through automatic payments to keep your bills paid on time.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Findings: Gemini are extremely good at communicating and don’t have a problem discussing money – in their relationships – or otherwise. You’re in line with your financial goals, so your credit score is above everyone else’s. You could do a better job paying bills on time, but your heart is in the right place.

Tip: Consider paying your bills through automatic payments and using an app to help keep track of your bills.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Findings: Cancer are emotional beings who will help anyone they can – especially with their wallets. Being there for yourself and your loved ones and prioritizing what matters most will always be your top priority. Even though your debt is not the worst, it could be handled better.

Tip: Make sure to shop around for the best terms and rates. Use automatic payments and apps to help manage your bills.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Findings: Leos live hard and love to flaunt what they have. Sometimes you tend to go a little too far and overspend. You’re also extremely generous and use whatever credit you have when you need to, which can seriously impact your finances. As a result, your use of available credit is not good. This reflects on your low credit score.

Tip: Take advantage of opportunities to educate yourself in financial literacy. Utilize free credit monitoring and financial apps to help keep track of your bills.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Findings: Virgos are pure organizers at heart, even regarding finances. You love spreadsheets and budgeting apps. You seem to have it all together, at least on the outside, which is why others come to you. You commit to the principles that matter and save with a cause because you love to give back. This is all well and good until it’s not. Things can sometimes spin out of control, which goes for your credit. So, take the time to stay on top of your debt before it gets the best of you.

Tip: Stay on top of your finances with online tools and resources. Utilize free credit monitoring and automatic payments to pay on time, so you can always give back.

Libra (September 22 – October 22)

Findings: While Libra may have a knack for making impulse purchases occasionally, you’ve learned how to do it without allowing it to affect your credit negatively. You’ve got it down to a science, and that makes you the best at paying your bills on time. Your credit score is maintained at a modest number for someone who tends to follow intuition.

Tip: Ensure you have the best rates by shopping around.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Findings: Scorpios generally try to stay one step ahead of everyone else. That’s true even when it comes to your money. You should never be counted out because, odds are, you have a secret savings account stashed away or some debt that no one else knows about. Generally, your debt is not too bad, but the little that you have isn’t well managed. This makes you worse at paying your bills on time.

Tip: Use automatic payments to pay your bills and financial apps to manage your money better.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Findings: Sags don’t mind filling a need. If there’s something you need, you buy it. You’re very optimistic about avenues to take when solving problems. In most cases, that solution involves creating more debt. For the most part, you can manage reasonably well, although it could always be improved.

Tip: Before making big purchases, deeply dive into your current credit situation to see how another debt will affect your overall credit. Utilize auto payment to pay your bills on time.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Findings: A Capricorn’s disciplined nature keeps them firmly planted on their goals. Oh yeah, you’ll reach your goals – eventually. Slow and steady is your mantra. You’re in no hurry, and you’re not easily distracted. You made a plan, and you’re sticking to it, however long it takes. You’re the typical borrower, nothing too fancy and nothing that you don’t necessarily need. However, your credit utilization is an issue.

Tip: Make sure you’re shopping for the best terms and rates, and utilize auto-pay to ensure your bills are paid on time.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Findings: Aquarians love to do things their way, so they don’t have much stock in what others say or think. However, you’re pretty good at devising ways to get what you need regarding your finances. Whether maximizing referral bonuses or using online promo codes, you’ve figured out a way. And you’ll stick to that until you decide there’s a better way. The good thing is you don’t tend to take on a lot of debt; the not-so-good thing is more attention needs to be paid to your overall credit score.

Tip: Use free credit monitoring and utilize auto-payments to pay your bills.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Findings: Pisces, or should I say “big spenders,” are just that. You don’t mind doing what you need to do. And to top that off, you tend to pay your bills on time. However, because you love racking up credit, this hurts your credit utilization.

Tip: Take the time to understand better your credit and how to lower your credit utilization.

The Bottom Line

There you have it. So, are you a believer or not? Find your zodiac sign and compare it to yourself. If you see yourself there, you’ll want to heed some more tips given to you.

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