Stop Putting it Aside: Get Your Free Credit Score in 90 Seconds

You know that list of things you keep meaning to do but haven’t done yet?
Checking your credit score is probably on that list. But it’s the most important 3-digit number in your life, so good thing you’re reading this.
A low credit score could affect your ability to rent a place, get a low mortgage rate, a cell phone plan, and even a car. It’s really important. At the minimum, you should check once a year but there’s no limit to how many times you can check your score. We recommend it every 3 months!
You can easily use Credit Sesame to check, and you can get your free credit score in basically 90 seconds.
What is Credit Sesame?
Credit Sesame is a free credit monitoring service that helps you improve and maintain your score. No credit card is needed to see your 3-digit number.
You’ll be able to check your credit score as often as you want without any negative effects.
Once enrolled, you’ll see an easy-to-read view of your total debt plus everything that’s contributing to your current score and a letter grade to indicate how healthy your status is for each:
- Payment History
- Credit Usage
- Credit Age
- Account Mix
- Credit Inquiries
For instance, I got an “A” grade in everything except for Account Mix, which I got a “D” in. Credit Sesame can show you how each grade can be improved as well as showing you personalized offers that can help.
Also, Payment History and Credit Usage combined makeup to about 65% of your credit score so it’s extremely important to pay your bills on time as well as keeping your ratio of credit card balances to credit limits to less than 30%.
Is Credit Sesame Free?
Credit Sesame is 100% free to check your credit score without needing to enter a credit card.
You’ll also get free credit monitoring, so you’ll be alerted when there are any changes in your credit report. This lets you fix potential issues quicker, and not a year later, because you didn’t get around to checking.
Included in the free membership, is also identity protection. When you enroll as a member, you’ll also be covered with a free $1 million in identity theft insurance as well as live support to help you in case your identity ever gets stolen.
Checking your credit score is free but if you want to get more in-depth and analyze your credit report, Credit Sesame offers an optional upgrade to do so. Everyone gets a free one from each of the three credit bureaus every 12 months through but if you need it more frequently, Credit Sesame offers it too!
How to Get Started
It’s easy (and fast) to see your credit score for free with Credit Sesame.
They’ll ask for some personal information so they can match your identity with the TransUnion credit report. (TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax are the 3 main credit bureaus).
Expect the usual, like name, birthday, address, phone number, and SSN. But don’t worry, they won’t sell or share your personal data with unaffiliated third parties.
So join the 10 million-plus members already improving their credit by checking your credit score for free!