Get Paid $10,000 to Drink Coffee in Asia

We’re always excited about dream gigs here, and this particular one is perfect for COFFEE LOVERS who are willing to travel to find and taste unique cups of joe.

In this case, picture yourself in five countries across four weeks, discovering roasts, appreciating different coffee cultures, and savoring that liquid gold.

We’ll review the details in this latest dream gig, where you can get paid to drink coffee in Asia!

How to Get Paid to Drink Coffee in Asia

The host of this dream job is Cafely, who offers premium coffee blend products that deliver an authentic Vietnamese coffee experience in the form of ready-to-drink coffee cans, instant coffee packets, single-origin beans, and caffeinated coffee gummies!

They’re looking for ONE person to embark on a 4-week journey across Asia, exploring 5 different coffee shops in 5 cities:

  • Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Seoul, South Korea
  • Bangkok, Thailand
  • Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

You’ll complete a simple form and submit a short essay (under 600 words) about your love and passion for coffee and why you’d be a good fit for the role.

The requirements include being 18 or older, being a U.S. resident, having a valid passport, and submitting the form by July 20, 2024.

What to Expect if You Win

Let’s get to even more good stuff. Not only will you be getting caffeinated in different countries, but you’ll also get:

  • $10,000 cash prize
  • Travel covered (they cover all travel costs!)
  • One year of coffee from Cafely’s premium products

This gives you the ultimate experience to truly focus on the coffee, which is tasting each shop’s signature drink and local brews. You’ll also need to document your adventure for the host to share with the world:

  • What’s the taste, fragrance, and texture of the drinks?
  • What vibes does the shop give?
  • What did you get to experience at the shop and in the country?
  • What similarities or dissimilarities can you convey in the coffee?

These are just example questions we felt they might want to know, so put on your coffee critic hat.

Even better, you should have an eye for taking great pictures of your drinks and surroundings, along with the ability to communicate and recount your coffee experiences vividly. After all, you’re helping the host research potential products to add to their lineup and perhaps boosting coffee tourism!

If you can describe intricate coffee flavors, definitely highlight that in your essay.

Coffee Specialties of Each Country

Each city in this coffee dream gig has its unique flavors and experiences. Here’s a brief look into each and what you might encounter:

1. Hanoi, Vietnam

Vietnamese coffee is stronger and thicker than your average American, French, or even Italian coffee. It’s traditionally brewed in a phin—a stainless steel or aluminum device that sits over a mug or cup. The process is like a cross between a French press and a pour-over, except there’s no need for filters. Enjoy after the coffee slowly finishes dripping into your cup! Condensed milk is the “secret” ingredient to offset the strong, smoky flavor.

2. Seoul, South Korea

Coffee culture in Seoul is more than just grabbing a cup of joe. Since there are cafes on practically every corner, owners have become more creative in distinguishing themselves (BTS or board game cafe, anyone?) and staying open until late at night (10 or 11 p.m.). You might’ve seen this in K-dramas, but they’re obsessed with 아아 (Ah-Ah), an abbreviation for Iced Americano. It’s their energy drink for work (since hot coffee will burn tongues!) and their go-to when they need a cool-down session if they’re feeling mad about something.

3. Bangkok, Thailand

In Thailand, the climate and soil present the perfect conditions for growing some of the best beans in the world. Traditionally, it’s brewed in a cloth filter called a “sock,” and other ingredients, such as corn, soybeans, tamarind, and more, are roasted alongside the beans to achieve that extra dark flavor. They also don’t export that much coffee, so most of the consumption remains within the country.

4. Jakarta, Indonesia

Kopi Luwak is the world’s most expensive coffee due to its uncommon production method since it’s produced from coffee beans that have passed through an Indonesian civet. In other words, the beans are collected and washed from civet “cat” poop! It’s safe to drink as the beans are thoroughly cleaned and roasted at a high temperature (over 400F). Would you try it?

5. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Malaysian coffee is roasted with sugar and butter, which gives it a caramelized finish to reduce the bitter aftertaste. It’s also roasted twice, and it’s the only country in the world to do so! The resulting flavor is a little burnt and bitter but has an intense aroma. Enjoy your cup with soft-boiled eggs and kaya toast, a traditional Malaysian breakfast and snack!

Submit Your Application Before July 20

Craving coffee now? Pour yourself a cup and fill out that application and essay on why you’d be the best candidate for this role! The winner is notified via email within 14 business days of the deadline.

If you win, you’ll partake in a once-in-a-lifetime adventure: traveling to multiple Asian countries to taste their finest coffees, getting $10,000 cash, AND enjoying coffee free for a year! ☕

Good luck!

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