Super Commuting Is More Popular Than Ever Before, Here’s Why

Can you imagine taking a daily flight or driving over two hours to work? In today’s workplace, “super commuters” are becoming more common.

The concept has become increasingly popular, but it hasn’t come without its challenges for those who bite the bullet and do it daily.

Let’s explore what super commuting is, why it’s becoming more common, and whether it’s ultimately worth it.

Why Is Super Commuting Becoming More Common?

Super Commuting involves living in one location while physically working in another city.

Say you found a great opportunity in the heart of NYC, but you live over three hours away in Baltimore. Instead of moving cities or staying locally, you wake up a little earlier and commute there and back each day.

The trend has existed since the nineties, but why has it been on the rise in recent years? There are several reasons why behind the growing popularity of super commuting:

  • Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The pandemic forced many companies to adopt new policies to stay afloat.
  • Remote Work: Improvements in technology have made it easier for people to work effectively from anywhere.
  • Housing Cost Differences: High housing costs in major cities forced employees to find more affordable housing elsewhere.
  • Hybrid Work Models: Many companies now offer hybrid work models that make the trip easier.

For many workers, hopping on a train, plane, or freeway is worth the effort. They get to pursue better opportunities while staying where they are.

Others don’t do it by choice. Some major companies are implementing RTO mandates and forcing their employees to return to the office, even if they live further away.

Main Challenges Super Commuters Face

While super commuting gives you some flexibility, there are also significant challenges you can’t ignore:

Higher Overall Costs

Even if you live in a cheaper area, the transportation and temporary accommodation costs can quickly add up and eat into your weekly budget. Any savings from living somewhere cheaper may go straight to your commute.

Impact On Career Development

Super commuters have a train to catch or traffic to beat, which limits the time they spend at the office. This situation might hinder your career growth and make you miss out on networking opportunities, promotions, and key projects.

It’s Hard On Relationships

Frequent travel and long periods away from home can inevitably strain personal relationships. If you have a partner or live with family, being absent so much might cause them to become resentful, leading to fights or a more tense home environment.

The Future Of Super Commuting

Despite its challenges, super commuting will likely grow as companies embrace more flexible work arrangements. Better infrastructure, including high-speed railways, could also reduce commute times for many super commuters who need to go to the office.

But there’s a chance many of these super commuters may end up transitioning into WFH settings instead. Remote work still has yet to reach its fullest potential, and the World Economic Forum predicts it will rise another 25% by 2030 alone.

Only time will tell if companies continue to encourage super commuting or become more comfortable, giving employees more autonomy to work where they feel most comfortable.

Is Super Commuting Worth It?

Deciding whether super commuting ultimately depends on what you want.

On one end, the world is your oyster when pursuing job opportunities. If you can tolerate the longer hours, becoming a super commuter is a great way to cut costs and live where you want.

But it’s certainly not for everyone. Doing this each week leaves you less time to focus on other goals and potentially miss out on better opportunities.

Remember to weigh the pros and cons thoroughly to determine if it aligns with your lifestyle and career goals!

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