Here’s What Millennials Are Really Looking For In A Job

A woman working on a laptop at a large table

The digital generation is transforming the workplace.

Millennials are an ever-growing part of the job market, and since 2017 they’ve been the largest group in the labor force.

Despite this, a lot of people still aren’t sure how to handle millennials in the workforce. Millennials are often bashed for having an “entitlement complex,” which leads many to believe they come to work looking for easy checks and quick promotions.

That usually isn’t the case. Despite some jokes and stereotypes, it isn’t all about pumpkin spice lattes!

According to a Forbes article, here’s what millennials actually want out of their jobs:

  • Employer benefits that match their values
  • Loyalty
  • Retirement investment options
  • Ability to prioritize family
  • Social impact

When it comes down to it, millennials look more like the “Giving Generation” than the “Entitled Generation.” Much of their motivations come from how their work impacts the people around them and their futures.

Unsurprisingly when looking for jobs millennials tend to seek companies that have similar values. Here are the top 10 companies millennials want to work for, according to a survey of 23,500:

  1. Amazon
  2. Google
  3. Microsoft
  4. Facebook
  5. Uber
  6. LinkedIn
  7. Apple
  8. Airbnb
  9. Twitter
  10. Netflix

In terms of overall company culture, Netflix, Facebook, and Google were the favorites – and for millennials, culture really matters.

Even though these companies reign supreme for now, this generation’s values will dictate what brands become the next leaders.