Do Good Everyday (And Earn Rewards At The Same Time)

The next time you buy toothpaste, diapers, tissue, shampoo, razors, and essential household items, definitely keep the receipt(s).
You can scan them to earn gift cards or donate to a cause!
That’s because P&G’s Good Everyday program lets you turn your everyday actions of buying essentials and common household items into acts of good and rewards!
It’s simple.
Every time you purchase a P&G product, scan the receipt, and you can earn 50 points per product and up to 250 points per receipt.
You can redeem the points for gift cards and/or donate to causes like Feeding America, Children’s Safe Drinking Water, wildlife causes, and Tide Loads of Hope.
P&G owns over 65 brands that you’ve definitely heard of, like:
- Gillette®
- Crest®
- Vicks®
- Charmin®
- Always®
- Herbal Essence®
- Olay®
- Pampers®
- Tide®
- Febreze®
- and more
Their brands span over 10 categories of skincare, haircare, home care, baby care, and much more. Chances are, you already have a lot of P&G products in your home. And as you purchase more, you’ll be able to earn additional rewards (a.k.a free money) back for them.
Earn up to $150+ in Rewards annually for Brands you already use and love.
Sign up for the program for free, and start scanning in receipts to earn rewards! And then, use that same receipt to scan into Fetch Rewards so that you can stack on even more rewards.
Read More: 50 Legit Ways to Make Extra Money Online This Month for Beginners